B4指原くん、早矢仕講師がSIG-BI 2024にて研究発表を行いました。


早矢仕研究室 B4の指原くん、早矢仕講師が2024年3月9日〜11日に大濱信泉記念館(石垣島)で開催された人工知能学会:経営課題にAIを! ビジネス・インフォマティクス研究会(SIG-BI 2024)にて研究発表を行いました。


著者:指原淳, 早矢仕晃章

アブストラクト:Although the size of consumer-to-consumer (C2C) markets has expanded in recent years, trust building has become a crucial issue in market services. Especially in online C2C shopping, where face-to-face interactions are impossible, efficient communication through product pages plays a key role. In this study, we analyze the items that buyers consider important when understanding the information on product pages through the evaluation of fictitious product pages. Furthermore, by conducting eye tracking simultaneously, we organize the methods of information processing by consumers.



著者:早矢仕晃章, 藤田幸久, 桑原昌広

アブストラクト:In recent years, value creation through data exchange and distribution among different organizations has been attracting attention as a new source of innovation. However, the design and acquisition of data is highly specialized. Therefore, data exchange between others with different background knowledge involves risks such as the application of incorrect data analysis methods and inconsistencies during data integration. In this study, we believe that sharing not only the actual data but also the intrinsic meaning of the data is effective in addressing these issues. In this paper, we define “data morphemes” as the basic structure of data, and obtain the semantic units of data as the contexts and variables, and their relationships from textual information contained in metadata. We then discuss the results of our attempt to extract data morphemes using association analysis with network approach.
